徐翔,바카라 가라머니 사이트,讲师,硕士生导师,2021年聘为延边大学“青年图们江学者B类”。主要从事神经药理、抗炎免疫药理、中药药理的研究。主持或参与国家自然科学基金项目2项,吉林省科技厅项目3项,延边大学博士启动基金项目1项。在Br J Pharmacol、J Ginseng Research、Phytomedicine、ACS Chem Neurosci等国际药学期刊上发表SCI论文12篇。
【联系方式】0433-2436941;E-mail: xiangxu@ybu.edu.cn
1. Resveratrol inhibits Toxoplasma gondii-induced lung injury, inflammatory cascade and evidences of its mechanism of action. Phytomedicine. 2023;108:154522(SCI 一区IF: 6.656)
2. Ginsenoside Rh2 reduces depression in offspring of mice with maternal toxoplasma infection during pregnancy by inhibiting microglial activation via the HMGB1/TLR4/NF-κB signaling pathway. J Ginseng Res. 2022;46(1):62-70(SCI 一区IF: 5.735)
3. Ginsenoside Rh2 attenuates microglial activation against toxoplasmic encephalitis via TLR4/NF-κB signaling pathway. J Ginseng Res. 2020;44(5):704-716(SCI 一区IF: 6.060)
4. Arctigenin protects against depression by inhibiting microglial activation and neuroinflammation via HMGB1/TLR4/NF-κB and TNF-α/TNFR1/NF-κB pathways. Br J Pharmacol. 2020;177(22):5224-5245(SCI 一区 IF: 9.473)